Broadway Bound!

Meaghan- Lin Manuel Miranda.jpg

Broadway Bound!

Name: Meaghan

Interests: Broadway musicals

Diagnosis: Hodgkin’s Lymphoma

Celebrity Cap Hero: Lin-Manuel Miranda

There are half a million people in the United States with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. One of them is a teenager named Meaghan.

Even before cancer, Meaghan’s dream was to see Hamilton on Broadway so, when asked to choose a Celebrity Cap Hero, she naturally picked the musical’s Tony-Award-winning creator and star Lin-Manuel Miranda.

One autograph has never meant so much.

Since diagnosis, Meaghan has endured several cycles of intense chemotherapy, scans, pokes, transfusions and radiation. Just when it looked like she was actually going to get her trip to New York City, the cancer recurred and the trip had to be postponed until after more treatment, including a stem cell transplant.

In Hamilton, the title character sings, “There’s a million things I haven’t done, just you wait.” We can’t wait to see a picture of Meaghan with her Lin-Manuel Miranda autographed cap on Broadway!

“I cannot begin to express the joy and happiness this autographed cap has brought to Meaghan. She is a huge fan.” – Meaghan’s mom

Jamie O'Berry